Drip Irrigation

If you have your own water tanks on your plot, then you can set up drip irrigation. You can then run it manually or with a timer. You can set up your drip irrigation however you like on your plot.

If you want to use the Gardens' water supply and have drip irrigation, then you can manually turn on/off the drip irrigation when you are present at the Gardens. You can set up your irrigation however you like, so long as your hose / pipework is detached from the the nearest Gardens' tap point when not in use.

If you wish to use the Gardens' water supply and have drip irrigation and a timer, then you need to follow these parameters below.

The Gardens' Irrigation Manager needs to check implementation and water scheduling before you start using your timed system. Email harvestgardensqt@gmail.com to have your timed system signed off.

Must have when installing drip irrigation with a timer using the Gardens' water supply:

  • Orbit timer. This brand only since they are more reliable. Timer should be located clearly on your plot.
  • Splitter on Gardens' tap. Two tap points at each existing Gardens' irrigation station must still be available for anyone to use at anytime.
  • Polyethylene supply line from source to plot.
  • Supply line must be buried to avoid trip hazards.
  • Scheduled watering during 10pm to 6am only. 
  • User is responsible for having no leaks from system when not in use. 

Suggested you have when installing drip irrigation with a timer using the Gardens' water supply:

  • Drip tape (better at lower pressure) or drip line / tube with built in emitters.
  • 32mm or 19mm supply line from tap for more flow.
  • Inline filter before timer to limit particles clogging dripper holes and timer.
  • Thread tape on any threaded fittings.
  • Flush valve at end of system at lowest point to flush remove any debris that may build up in your lines.
  • Remove timer over winter to avoid frost damage.

 Suggested set up with drip irrigation and timer:

Example below of a splitter on the tap and the timer below. This Holman brand is a good splitter to buy with metal threads to screw your timer directly onto.  Thanks to Crop for helping to install the first drip irrigation with a timer at the Gardens'. Contact former Gardens' member Tim at Crop if you need assistance in installing your drip irrigation on your garden plot.